
Sheffield Event

Page history last edited by amiddlet50 14 years, 2 months ago

The next free MELSIG event will be held in Sheffield, on Wednesday, 27th October

There will be a special focus for this event:

Media-Enhanced Feedback: A workshop to explore how digital media can be used for giving students feedback


The day will be held in conjunction with the ASSET programme (http://www.reading.ac.uk/asset/), and will be the usual mix of workshops and presentations.  Come and join us to find out how various digital media technologies are being used by practitioners. An event with a similar focus will be run by ASSET in the south of England in December or January.

Share the link to this page: http://tinyurl.com/2w3xkun



The event is free but there are limited places. Please book your place by contacting Carol Beattie from MELSIG: carol.beattie@chester.ac.uk


Programme (provisional)


[8.45] Registration

[9.30] Introduction: Julian Park, Jethro Newton and Andrew Middleton - a brief welcome from MELSIG and ASSET

[9.40] Getting More with Feedback - scene setting activity led by Steven Gomez

[10.15] Coffee and networking activity - Challenge Card activity

[10.45] Case Study Thunderstorm presentations

  • Audio feedback - Derek France (University of Chester)
  • Use of iPadio and mobile phones - Chrissi Nerantzi (University of Salford)
  • Personal Response Systems (Personal Response Systems) - Steve Maw (HEA Centre for Bioscience)
  • Screencast feedback - Rod Cullen (Manchester Met)
  • Video feedback - Julian Park and Karsten Lundqvist (ASSET, University of Reading)
  • MP3 recorders, iPhone Apps and Voice Memo tools for feedback - Anne Nortcliffe (Sheffield Hallam University).

11.45 Hands-on technology demos - parallel stalls providing opporttunities to find out more about the techniques described in the case studies... and more!
13:00 Lunch
14.00 Media-Enhanced Feedback design workshop: Andrew Middleton (Sheffield Hallam University) - how to get the most out of the technology to enhance learning. This creativity workshop will take a collaborative design approach using scenarios and an easy to use framework in order to arrive at feedback techniques that address the different needs of learners and academics.
15.00 Coffee
15:15 Moving forward: Julian Park - drawing upon the earlier Challenge Card activity, a structured discussion will consider,

  • opportunities and barriers
  • Are there easy wins?
  • Short term and long terms strategies
  • Resource implications.

16:00 Event concludes 

Venue (details to be confirmed)

St Mary's Conference Centre, Sheffield


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