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As novices we would like to find out about the technical aspects of creating a podcast. Maybe in a series of ‘how to’ guides. We would be interested in staff training and development activities and also how to demonstrate the benefits of podcasting to staff.
We would like to see nuggets from the literature, perhaps posted in a blog, to share with members of the group and video case studies of good practice.
We would like to see the role of special interest groups to provide a mixture of knowledge between the novices, practitioners and experts and the ability to learn off each other and contribute our findings.
Ok this is the second podcast from the novices group and we are not quite sure if we are doing two podcasts now or one on this device so that’s why we need the ‘how to’ guides. But another aspect that we would like to see is how to encourage staff to use podcasts to move away from the kind of lecture scenario of teaching.
We would also like to find out about the technical issues that have been encountered by those who have done podcasts or mmm practitioners or experts so that we can possibly avoid them and then have some common way of communicating this, so perhaps through a blog or a wicki so that everyone has access to them and we can progress further really.
I thought, during the discussions we identified a number of possible barriers that would have to be overcome in order to try and promote staff engagement with podcasting. Some of the barriers that the group had identified at the time: there’s going to be a big investment in the set up phase so as academic staff can actually get familiar with the technology but hopefully there will be a pay off later on when they are used to using the tools and then they can actually turn out podcasts in a very routine way as part of their normal work. Another barrier that we identified was the technical competence of staff, getting people used to the software. Most staff would probably be looking for a solution rather than be interested in looking at possible different tools and choosing the best one for the job. And two further barriers were: fears of diminishing student attendance at lectures. The evidence suggests that this isn’t actually the case and there are in any way mmm there are technical ways around that for example, time releasing notes so that they appear in the VLE after the lecture.
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