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From Steve Woodward, University of Glamorgan:University College London, the Open University and Trinity College Dublin are the first European universities to put free lecture material on iTunes
See BBC article and a link to the iTunesU site
look at Tama Leaver's (University of Western Australia) pbwiki page for a list of links
The next set has been provided by Mary Jacob, Aberystwyth University.
Common Craft. 'Podcasting in Plain English' YouTube video clip.
This video is a short, easy-to-understand clip that can be used to introduce podcasting to staff who are completely new to the topic. It is part of a series of similar clips from Common Craft for various Web 2.0 tools.
This list of resources is intended for podcasting as defined broadly – including both audio and video, including full-scale podcasting with RSS feeds and push technology but also applicable when making media files available for download through a VLE or other web site.
Tom Franklin (2007). Web 2.0 for Content for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education." JISC.
This report includes a range of Web 2.0 technologies including podcasting, blogs and Wikis.
Steve Spencer and Steve Cooper (2007). "Podcasts: A Case Study of the use of Podcasting in Curriculum Delivery." ILE Learning and Teaching Projects 2006/2007. University of Wolverhampton.
This is a case study of podcasting at the Unversity of Wolverhampton.
Carie Windham (2007). Confessions of a Podcast Junkie, EDUCAUSE Review,vol. 42, no. 3 (May/June 2007): 50–65
The text of this article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License ( ).
Also included in the ELI Guide to Podcasting. Excellent article on the uses today’s students are making of this technology.
The ELI Discovery Tool: Guide to Podcasting was developed by Elisa Coghlan, David Futey, Julie Little, Cyprien Lomas, Diana Oblinger, and Carie Windham. (2007)
This is an extensive document providing information ranging from technical how-to to pedagogical applications. The entire 50-page document can be downloaded as a PDF or it can be viewed online section by section. The opening, "Seven things you should how about Podcasting", section is also available as a separate article.
Modern Foreign Languages Environment podcasting page, sponsored by Learning and Teaching Scotland
This site has sample podcasts, tips on podcasting tools, and ideas on using podcasts in general and specifically for language learning.
Engage – Transforming teaching and learning through technology "Podcasting Plus." University of Wisconsin, Madison.
The section on additional resources contains links to podcasting examples from universities such as Stanford as well as podcasts about podcasting. The section on teaching and learning with podcasting has ideas for designing learning activities. There are examples of audio, video, and mixed media podcasts.
Martin Belgrove from UEL training wiki:
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education - Features and interviews about innovation in learning and teaching at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
This blog not only discusses innovations including podcasting, vodcasting, and digital storytelling, but also includes podcasts of its own content.
Podagogy – Where Podcasting Meets Teaching And Learning
This blog is primarily a comprehensive links to resources including many technical tools.
Will Richardson. Weblogg-ed: Learning with the Read-Write Web.
This blog is a rich resource of articles on the pedagogic use of blogs, Wikis and podcasts. The associated Wiki
is a repository of material used in his workshops and presentations. For more information, see his book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
published by Corwin Press.
Audacity –
A tool for audio recording and editing
iTunes University -
iTunes can host academic podcasts
Campus Pack learning extensions for Blackboard -
Campus Pack includes tools for incorporating true podcasts into Blackboard courses, including RSS feeds and feeds through iTunes. It does not include audio or video editing tools.
Free accounts up to 1Gb. Their site says,"Hi-quality Video and Audio. From mobile video to HD. We transcode your media into many different formats and always in the best possible quality. Custom Player. Easily blend player within your site. Player supports both audios and videos and has link to RSS feeds and more. Podcast Supports both audio and video podcasts. Control your presence in iTunes. Automatically generates RSS feeds and a public page URL - works from Iphone too. Manage Upload, publish and manage your videos and audios with just a few clicks of your mouse. Easy workflow. Do it yourself Sign up and get going in a matter of minutes. If you need assistance, visit our helpdesk or look in the forums." Like Podomatic, this looks like a good place to test your ideas out even if you feel the need to move onto institution services later.
Podcasts we make and listen to
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