Ideas Group 3 (E-F)

Please develop any of the ideas here either by changing them or adding to them. If the ideas leave you asking questions... ask them! Leave your name and contact information at the bottom of the page so you can be added as a contributor please.
021 Title: [no title yet] Peer modelling?
The aim of this podcast series is to promote the effective use of e-resources. Recordings feature two students discussing how to research a topic. One has used a particular resource and explains to the other student how they went about finding the information using that resource. The same format could be used to cover a number of information sources and would be made available on the Learning Centre's pages.
Some questions: Can you indicate the benefits that this audio approach brings to information literacy development over other approaches such as skills sessions run by information advisers, web-based tutorials, and paper-based information? These recordings could be made by students in each subject area, perhaps reviewing key journals for each discipline - is this the sort of approach you had in mind? I can almost see this as an output for a student information skills assignment.
022 Title: [no title yet]
Aim to make information available in a format that 14-16 year olds will engage with. Need to think more about this.
Some questions: It seems as though you have a particular need to engage that age group and think audio may provide an answer - is that correct? Why? What is the particular need you have in mind? What are the benefits you envisage? Who would make the audio 'information'? Can you flesh this idea out any further?
023 Title: What's it really like?
A student podcast series to describe what it is like to be at college or university, discussing how useful they found various aspects of life there. There could be one episode for each department/school/faculty, and others for the learning centre, night life, sport, clubs and societies, etc.
Some questions: Have you any thoughts about the format that would be used here? You could almost have a small cast of students playing out a drama from episode to episode, perhaps like a radio drama to encourage students to listen to a wide range of topics. I'm assuming this is intended to target prospective students almost like an audio prospectus? One or two people have suggested prospectus type ideas - what do you think would work best for the students you need to attract?
24 Title: [no title yet]
Students listen to a podcast and then do a quiz based on the information. They can listen as many times as they like to the podcast.
Some questions: I can see this working as an aural comprehension test in Languages - is this what you were thinking or do you have other ideas? What benefits might audio have over video or still images when used in this way?
025 Title: Vicarious experience
What is it like being the 'other' person, e.g. the patient? the student? the doctor? the teacher? The podcast supports an empathy building activity.
Some questions: It would be great if you could develop this scenario a little more by indicating who might make these recordings? How would they be distributed and who to? Is this idea proposing the recording of role plays by students or is it taking a 'patient voices' field work type approach.
026 Title: Peer critique
Students or teachers critiquing the work of others, favouring auditory learners. For example they might be critiquing content, production values, arguments, etc.
Some questions: Are there any advantages to critiquing or reviewing students work in this way? Is this idea the same as tutor or peer assessment using audio?
027 Title: [no title yet]
Regular serial 'TV programme' video podcast.
Some questions: Are you able to flesh this suggestion out at all? Who makes the programmes and who uses them? Is the educational benefit primarily in the making of the programmes or the usage of them? How long are they? What subject do you envisage using this approach? How many? etc Do you have any examples of where this has been done?
028 Title: [no title yet]
A podcast to demonstrate a technique or process (e.g. how to use a VLE) to overcome possible feelings of anxiety. Prepared before students actual do the process for real.
Some questions: Can you expand this please? It sounds like screencasts are being produced? Who is making these? How are they distributed? Who is using them? Are they used in combination with other teaching approaches? How long are the clips? What approach is taken to address anxiety? etc This sounds like an interesting example.
029 Title: Classroom Pod Orientation
Produced for all university staff as a video podcast to demonstrate how to use a new classroom facility, enabling them to learn about the technology options before having to go live with it.
Some questions: It sounds like these video clips have been designed for academic staff, or is this for students as well? Are these videos about demonstrating how technology works or about how people can teach and learn together? How do people access the videos? If you can expand this I think it could be very interesting to others. (This idea refers to a specific facility at a particular university and has been generalised for review).
030 Title: Peer review
Structured peer feedback given on the project work of fellow students. This enables the reviewers to learn by reflecting on how peers have interpreted assessment criteria, whilst supporting their fellow students with constructive criticism.
Some questions: How/why does the media contribute to this peer assessment approach?


135 Title: Arty!
Promoting the Art & Design school on the intranet
Some questions:
136 Title: Signcast
A video podcast for students with visual and hearing impairment made by the tutor or tutor's signer, complementing typed format and made available through the VLE.
Some questions:  


  • 100 ideas for educational podcasting
  • Podcasting Book