Ideas Group 2 (C-D)

Please develop any of the ideas here either by changing them or adding to them. If the ideas leave you asking questions... ask them! Leave your name and contact information at the bottom of the page so you can be added as a contributor please.
011 Title: It's Good to Talk
Expert discussion involving staff and invited guests. The discussion models the development of an argument, offers alternative points of view, engages through debate, and offers a way to disseminate work.
Some questions:
012 Title: Bytz
Searching across podcasts for the 1 minute best listen: what makes it a good 1 minute? How can the format be created?
Types of podcasts in support of learning e.g. illustrative examples, techniques descriptions, experience oriented, (classify, describe design issues, what makes audio best for these?)
Intended for podcast producers, those embedding podcasts, those wishing to understand reusable design, and tutors.
Some questions: Could you fill it out a bit? I am guessing this idea involves (media?) students who are analysing recordings they find to determine what techniques have been used by the producers to make the audio engaging - is this right? I suppose a similar analytical approach could be used to develop any student's information literacy skills in relation to evaluating audio information sources?
013 Title: Knowledge Cycles
A podcast produced by the tutor to support key skill development, in particular to support self-learning and information synthesis; how to test and trust conclusions or an expert environment. Prototyping preliminary conclusions, making these concrete, synthesis for public.
Some questions: What is the cyclical or iterative process used by the student here? Are students using the audio to present draft conclusions for feedback from tutors or peers, before final submission of conclusions in another form eg essay, audio presentation, etc? Can you explain this idea further?
014 Title: Short Stops
How to make the most of people you meet for a very short time.
Conversations with... etc (e.g. feedback, input situations, ideas, etc)
Some questions: I like the sense that audio is an opportunistic and immediate media. Can you fill this idea out some more?
015 Title: Expert voices
Authentic recordings of experts in a particular field. Publicly accessible (i.e. intra-inter institutional) via VLE/wiki etc. Experts could be internal (tutors, etc) or external.
Some questions: Why have you said publicly accessible? Is this important to the idea? I was also interested in the use of the wiki for distributing the recordings - have you any particular experience that suggests the use of wikis would be useful here, or is this just a mechanism that you feel will be widely usable? Can you fill this idea out more?
016 Title: Counselling and guidance
First encounter. Learners have to come up with ways of dealing with a situation.
Some questions: What sort of situations did you have in mind? How/why is audio particularly useful in this situation? Is this a student group approach? Who makes the recordings and who listens?
017 Title: Previews
Produced by tutors for students offering key points to think about prior to a lecture or seminar. The tutor attempts to focus students' attention on key points that will be covered in the up-coming seminar or lecture. The main benefits of this approach are that students come already engaged with the topic and are more prepared to participate (e.g. informed responses to tutors or students' questions).
Use of Audacity, DVR, etc, with addition of music and other media.
Some questions: One or two people have suggested similar ideas. Are there any particular aspects of the approach described here that may be distinct from other suggestions eg subject; duration; style; raising questions; pointing to literature or other sources; humour; etc?
018 Title: [no title yet]
Discussions of ideas that are real, but constantly changing.
Some questions: Can you develop this at all perhaps with an example of a discipline where discussion on constant change would be useful. The subject that springs to mind for me would be Business where students are involved in following market trends, or meteorology, etc Or perhaps a commentary on a simulation. Is this the sort of thing you had in mind? Who would have these discussions and who would listen? What action would listeners take as a result of listening?
019 Title: [no title yet] It's in the post?
Post lecture/assignment/feedback made by the lecturer for the students using video or audio to highlight key issues intended to move students forward to their next activity.
Some questions: This sounds interesting. How are the students expected to use these? How frequently? Do they replace the need for note taking? Are the points/topics covered in the recordings supplementary extension materials or do they replicate examples or points as they were made in the lecture? How long are these recordings? Would this approach work with most lectures?
020 Title: [no title yet]
Take a selection of sounds from an authentic situation. Students are asked to create a story around what they hear. This is useful for language learning, for example.
Some questions: By authentic situation presumably you were thinking of recordings made in real world settings beyond the college/university? As a focus for language students are the sounds likely to be voices (eg conversations) or do you imagine more in the way of ambient sounds? I like the idea of audio being a trigger used to inspire creativity such as storytelling. Other than language are there other subject applications that spring to mind for you? Who makes the sound recordings that are used? How are these sounds presented to the students?


133 Title: What Do You Think You Were Doing?
Individualised formative tutor feedback to students.
Some questions: How was this recorded and delivered? How many students received feedback in this way? How long was each recording? Did the students like this? Was it formally evaluated?
134 Title: Informal curriculum
What do students use devices for beyond formal assessment?

Some questions:



  • 100 ideas for educational podcasting
  • Podcasting Book